关于举办“Drought characterization and impacts on terrestrial ecosystems ”学术报告会的通知
报告题目:Drought characterization and impacts on terrestrial ecosystems
Drought is considered one of the most pressing natural hazards that influences water resources, agricultural production, and natural ecosystems. This talk will discuss the drought impacts on ecosystem productivity and the development of a new drought impact index to effectively characterize droughts over diverse climate conditions. It will also discuss the observed water constraints on vegetation growth in the Northern Hemisphere over the last three decades.
王立新,Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis大学地球科学系教授。他的研究方向为生态水文学,研究对象为不同生态系统对水分胁迫的反应和反馈。他在包括Science、Science Advances,Nature Ecology and Evolution, and Nature Communications和Nature Climate Change等国际顶级期刊发表SCI论文200余篇。曾任Geophysical Research Letters杂志副主编,目前担任Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS)主编, Journal of Hydrology 和Journal of Arid Environments副主编, Scientific Data编委。王立新教授获弗吉尼亚大学博士学位,先后为普林斯顿大学博士后(2008-2011)和澳大利亚新南威尔士大学的Vice-Chancellor Research Fellow (2011-2012)。 Dr. Wang曾荣获NSF CAREER奖,印第安纳大学两百年校庆校长勋章,Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis Research Trailblazer Award。