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会议时间:2023 年 11 月 12–13 日


会议主席:韦革宏 教授

会议联合主席: James Tiedje 院士


1112日 开幕式

8:30–8:40副校长罗军教授 致辞

8:40–8:50 “111”基地负责人、会议主席韦革宏教授 致辞

8:50–9:00 会议联合主席James Tiedje院士 致辞


9:10–9:50 Kornelia Smalla 教授(德国,Julius Kühn研究所)

Towards more sustainable agriculture through managing soil and root-associated microbiomes

9:50–10:30 Jorge Rodrigues 教授(美国,加州大学戴维斯分校)

The soil - human health continuum

10:40–11:20 Alexander Rosado 教授(沙特阿拉伯,阿卜杜拉国王大学)

Extreme Microbes: source of microbial innovation for Boosting Sustainable Development

11:20–12:00 Kim Jihyun 教授(韩国,延世大学)

Microbial Genomics and Metagenomics for Plant and Soil Health


14:30–15:10  Alexandra Kravchenko 教授(美国,密歇根州立大学)

Micro-environmental conditions affect bacterial community composition and metabolism

15:10–15:50  王风平 教授(上海交通大学)

Microbially driven elemental cycling in the ocean and climate change

15:50–16:10 舒敦涛 副教授(米兰(中国))

Host developmental stages and cropping patterns jointly shape the assembly of rhizosphere microbiome and nitrogen cycling

16:20–17:00  Gupta Vadakattu 教授(澳大利亚,CSIRO Ag&Food

Harnessing soil and plant microbiomes in agricultural systems

17:00–17:40 Woo Jun Sul 教授(韩国,中央大学)

DNA methylation patterns are associated with microbial community composition and inform virus-host dynamics

17:40–18:00 白晓丽(米兰(中国))

Fibrous root crops resist Astragalus root rot by improving soil microbial community diversity


8:30–9:10  James Tiedje 院士(美国)

Novel microbiome deep underfoot

9:10–9:50 Falko Mathes 研究员(澳大利亚,CSIRO

Microbiomes for bioremediation of PFAS contamination

9:50–10:10  任成杰 教授(米兰(中国))

Thermal sensitivity of soil microbial carbon use efficiency across forest biomes

10:20–11:00  Luis-Miguel Rodriguez-R 副教授 (奥地利,因斯布鲁克大学)

Genome-based classification of Archaea and Bacteria on the basis of multiple reference taxonomies with MiGA

11:00–11:40 Andrew Bissett 研究员(澳大利亚,CSIRO

Coordinated microbiome programs and environmental health – an Australian Microbiome perspective

11:40–12:00 岳红 博士(米兰(中国))

Host genotype-specific rhizosphere fungus enhances drought resistance in wheats


14:30–15:10  Jianhua Guo 教授 (澳大利亚,昆士兰大学)

Non-antibiotic drugs contribute to the emergence and spread of antibiotic resistance

15:10–15:50  Xavier Bellanger 副教授 (法国,洛林大学)

Are  phages and transduction neglected actors of antibiotic resistance genes dissemination in the environment?

15:50–16:10 Kim Jin Ju 博士 (韩国,中央大学)

Persistence of antibiotic resistance from animal agricultural effluents to surface water revealed by genome-centric metagenomics

16:20–17:00  Timothy Johnson 副教授 (美国,普渡大学)

Antibiotic resistance in animal agriculture, from bacterial communities to pathogenic strains

17:00–17:40  Keisuke Miyauchi 教授 (日本,东北学院大学)

Arsenic uptake by Pteris vittata in a subarctic arsenic-contaminated agricultural field in Japan

17:40–18:00钱勋 教授(米兰(中国))

Transmission risks of antibiotic resistome in livestock farms